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See also: [Papers] (index) [Paris Papers] [the terrible year: 1870.09.04, Paris) Goncourt [Social Protest in the Arts] (papers)

Paris (see map)

On this page: {} {In-Box} {Music} {Poetry} {Prose} {The Usual Suspects} [Paris references, biblio, etc]


An in-contravertible fact is the concept of the observer/observed; a lesson hardearned in anthropology. The seen can not be-unseened later. In my various musings, i have some-how latched onto this idea of Paris as a focal point for the Earth (see map) during (rather randomly) the period 1848 (Napolean III arises) to 1918 (The Great War; aka WW I - ends). But in the very deepest sense it is not just that Paris was a lens for these changes (the Arcades/remodling of Paris before and following "The Commune" of 1870/1, etc) but that the people coming in and out of this area are a part of the lens. That is the lens is the light; the light the lens - and where is the image that must inevitably test the verity of the "optical" process? Indeed. Where are we now? If indeed there is actually any "now" that not equally spread out into the wave-form + / - 50_000 years from any point where the human mind has wondered/wandered. Well, it's a start; i suppose.


Let us consider the concepts of modernism by which we most usually consider ourselves modern; if not post-modern, or post-post-moderne, etc. The industrial revolution starting in the 1700c and accelerating by the 1848 starting point - and then that brief moment of sanity in the early 1900c/1900m when one didn't even need a passport to travel from country to country (well mostly) - and then of course 1914 - when the world lost so sense-less-ly so many of its young minds (mostly men off to "fight THE great war"). From Darwin thru Freud and Einstein - and that mainly in the sciences to all of the myriad clompings of the magnificent corpse in all of its (their?) various manifestations that brought such senseless mostrosities to the art of killing for a just, good, and above all *national* cause. (it would help to be listening to Pierre Boulez's "Multiples" while reading this, but I suppose that various works by Igor Stravinski, Sofia Gubaidulina , Viktor Pendereski, or .... might do as well) But, then this writing is simply the rind spit out by an old puddle of urine that formed when indifference became manifest and self-erected a statue to human bigotry, righteousness and of course stupidity....


(modereto) Dvorak Violin Concerto, 2nd movement? Or is a note needed from your mother explaining why you are alergic to aspirin and should be excluded from killing people that you don't know simply because "the King commands it to be so". ...(it was at this point, that the part time art-terrorist/theorist and table danseur was escorted to the nearest pub, where a sufficient quantity of ethane-hydroxide was consumed to make the world *just* a little bit weary)... Or: Haven't we heard this tune before? But, there was this short guy, yes yes i know - but he had this weird little moustache. No, not thim - no come to think of it he was quite fat, and liked sticks of wood, or was it a cattle farm in Croatia??? nite all.


Charissa TerraNova, via: -[
TerraNova!]- Her studies focus on 20th century European architecture and theory, and her book manuscript, French State Vernacular: Les Grands Ensembles and Non-Conformist Modernism, 1930-1973 is the first serious scholarly study of the social, theoretical and architectural origins of the French “Banlieu” in English. google: "Banlieu" "outskirts" google: (then gave) "Banlieue" "terranova" thesis link (at - ie, not "harvard on the highway" alas? ; p'haps a duck) Dept of Architecture - Terranova, Charissa N. "French State Vernacular: les grands ensembles and Non-Conformist Modernism" 1930-1973 2004 June Assession Number 15099 is there no end to this madness? or is "just" that i alone am mad?


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THe Usual Suspects

Courbet as Rebel] QQ from: Milner (2000)

Manet & Degas

Manet & Degas; [POOL, 1979] Bracquemond Chapu Falguiére Lançon Phiippoteaux